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From Digital To Physical Media

4 minute read

This morning the YouTube algorithm suggested a video called “Wait, what happened to HMV?” to me. It covered the decline and then revival of the company and e...

15 Years of Twitter

less than 1 minute read

Today marks 15 years since I signed up for Twitter according to a notification they pushed to me. It seemed like the perfect time to delete my account, part...

My Twitter Wind-Down

2 minute read

Last Friday Twitter disabled the API keys of the major Twitter clients, including Tweetbot, my client of choice, with no notice, and no communication with th...

My Git Notes

1 minute read

This blog post is a personal reference in that I wanted to document the Git commands I use the most now that I use the command line more and more. I am publi...


2 minute read

If you use Twitter and are seeing this blog post then there is a good chance you know that Mastodon is an alternative social network which is similar to Twit...

NixOS, Phoenix and Sass

3 minute read

Elixir’s web application framework, Phoenix, is moving away from needing a dependency on Node to make projects easier to maintain and thing in general just a...

My Linux Life

6 minute read

Introduction After I wrote about my love of StarLabs’s 11” laptop, the StarLite, someone asked me about the software I run on it, how I work with people who...