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My Linux Life

6 minute read

Introduction After I wrote about my love of StarLabs’s 11” laptop, the StarLite, someone asked me about the software I run on it, how I work with people who...

The StarLite Laptop

2 minute read

I do pretty much all of my development work on my desktop computer but I still need a laptop for those times I just want to work from the sofa or for when I ...

Choosing A New Bike

4 minute read

After realising that my weight and fitness were in a bad way again I turned my attention to researching bicycles. I have had a varied history of bike owners...

My Bicycle History

5 minute read

The Roses This isn’t a bike model but rather my first memory of cycling. I was probably five or six and it was a hot summer day and so I was just wearing sh...

Weight and Health

1 minute read

In four months I turn 48. I am 5’8” (173 cm) and weight 15st 10lb (100kg). I am unfit and have a very sedentary lifestyle because I work from home as a softw...

Unchaining Data

4 minute read

Introduction Plain text files are very portable. There is no tie-in to any particular editor or application or even operating system. The problem is that mo...

The Month of Linux on my Desktop

2 minute read

Introduction One month ago I wrote about trying Linux for work. A fair amount has happened since then so I thought I’d post a quick update. The Hardware I...